Conference Wonder, Education, and Human Flourishing, 5-6 April 2019

5 June 2018

Call for Abstracts

International Conference

Wonder, Education, and Human Flourishing


Friday 5 April to Saturday 6 April 2019

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Keynote speakers:

Yannis Hadzigeorgiou, Todd Kashdan, Genevieve Lloyd

Submission deadline: Friday 11 january 2019

Submissions are invited for the conference Wonder, Education, and Human Flourishing. The main theme of the conference is the role of wonder in education and children’s development, and its relation to children’s (present or future) flourishing. It is an explicit purpose of the conference to bring together educational theorists, education scientists, philosophers, psychologists and members of other disciplines interested in wonder (or closely related topics) and its relation to education and/or human flourishing. Conceptual, normative, and empirical papers are all welcome. Contributors are expected to discuss wonder or closely related topics, preferably in relation to children’s education, development, and/or flourishing. Possible topics for contributions are:

The educational importance of wonder
(How) does wonder contribute to human flourishing?
The distinction between wonder and curiosity
Different types of wonder (and their diverse roles in education and/or human flourishing)
Wonder’s relation to (other) emotions (e.g. awe, fear, aesthetic emotions)
Wonder and imagination
Should we and (how) can we stimulate children’s sense of wonder?
Wonder and intrinsic motivation to learn
Wonder’s role in particular types of education, such as science education, moral education, political education, art education

The complete Call for Abstracts, with additional information on what and how to submit, can be found here.